Super SFIV Balance Update Questionnaire Requests – Bonus Edition Part 1
Jul 08, 2013 // GregaMan
Filling in for ComboFiend once again, I’ve got the latest SF blog from Ayano-san. Behold! ============================ Hello everyone, Tomoaki Ayano here! Here in Tokyo we’re still stuck in the weather loop of cloudy skies but no rain. Anyway as a sort of change of pace this week, I wanted to highlight some of the more…unusual requests we got during the balance update questionnaire. I hope you find them as interesting as I did! Yang The damage on Mantis Slashes is way too low! Ayano: No kidding! Yang himself won’t stop emailing me about it. Ryu Hello good sir. If you wouldn’t mind I have a very small request. I have a little sister, but she’s very frail and sick. She’s in the hospital right now. The doctor said “If, in the Super SFIV balance updates, the devs were to let Ryu start the round oiled up then I’m sure she’ll make a complete recovery.” I have no idea what that means, but since I love my little sis so much, could you find it in your heart to have Ryu start off the round oiled up? Ayano: Please tell the doctor – “Ryu isn’t even the oil character! So maybe you’d better keep that poor little girl on ice until you find a better cure.” I do hope your little sis gets better soon though! Chun-Li I’m madly in love with Chun-Li. In my dreams she’s my girlfriend and I call her my little Haru-chan. So now you’re probably thinking I’m some weirdo. But if you’re still with me, I have a request. Game balance adjustments? Pfft. I’m concerned about more important matters – her outfits. I need – not want – neeeeed Haru-chan in an outfit with her hair down! Also I asked this before to the other guy with the Blanka toy, but can I get some Chun-Li Alt 1 cosplay goods up in here? Ayano: Well…your passion for Ms. Haru is certainly unmatched. Chun-Li’s name includes the character for spring, or “haru” in Japanese, so…I see what you did there. If you love her that much it must mean we’re doing something right! We don’t call her the First Lady of Fighting Games for nothing. Cammy Can we get as a new alternate costume her Shadaloo outfit from Street Fighter Alpha 3? Ayano: Her look in A3 is pretty cool isn’t it? I’m also a big fan. If you look carefully though, her Alt 1 is her A3 costume with a jacket over it. That’s also pretty cool, no? Akuma Please increase Akuma’s vitality and stun so I have an easier time winning at world tournaments. Ayano: Well, that was certainly to the point! Incidentally, this suggestion came under the name of a certain top Akuma player known for infiltrating his opponent’s defenses…but I really doubt it came from the real deal. …Right? Well, that’s it for this week. See you again next week!