Super F*r*i*e*n*d*s: just because it’s Tuesday
Jan 29, 2008 // Kramez
[youtube khGUPEdY-Fk Super FRIENDS] Welcome back, me, I’ve been missed. I’ve spent the last week in Tokyo and Osaka, visiting with various producers on many of our upcoming games, including Resident Evil 5 (two early words: “awesome” and “totally”), Street Fighter IV, Bionic Commando, We Love Golf, the Ace Attorney guys, various Mega Man producers and much more I cannot discuss without fear of reprisal from Capcom ninja — sorry, shinobi* — death squads. In the next day or two, I’ll be posting some cool photos of the Capcom offices, as well as bringing you a guided tour to Devil May Cry fashions in action on the hip streets of Osaka. But in the meantime, enjoy this light entertainment. I dunno what’s better: the open-mouthed gapery of Batman as Joey or the purely nonsensical Robin/Rachael pairing. * stupid inside localization/westernization joke