Strider screens for a very cyber week

Dec 04, 2013 // GregaMan

Japanese gaming publication  Famitsu recently unleashed a new batch of screens from the upcoming  Strider  (PS3/Xbox 360/PS4/Xbox One/PC), and now  we’ve got ’em! Hit the jump to bask in their cyber-glory!

↑ Death particles!

↑ The head-on approach may not be particularly shrewd when dealing with this tank of an enemy. But a well-timed charge slash may just have the extra range needed to give Hiryu a safe buffer.

↑ Otherwise, Hiryu can use that Strider agility to spin this thing in circles.

↑ The expansive, interconnected environments of this game will definitely have some verticality to them. 

↑ The stark cityscape, featuring omnipresent glare of Grandmaster Meio. Don’t go outside!

↑ Hiryu’s trademark climbing skills return. 

↑ New to Hiryu’s moveset is this powerful “down-crack.” Great for closing vertical gaps, or even breaking through some floors.

↑ To be clear, Hiryu isn’t one of those stealthy, stick-to-the-shadows ninjas.

↑ Take  that high society!!

↑ Those metro stations are death traps. 

That’s it for this batch! Expect more Strider  news and info in the near future!