Strider Leaderboard Showdown – Round 3 – Xbox One
Mar 28, 2014 // GregaMan
The time has come for Round 3 of our ongoing Strider Leaderboard Showdown. For this round, we will be switching up the rules to hopefully lower the barrier of entry. Read on!
How to Enter:
Step 1: Add our GamerTag “Minish Capcom” as a Friend on Xbox LIVE.
Step 2: Comment on this post below OR send me a private message on Unity giving your own GamerTag. This is how we know who to badge on Unity.
Step 3: Complete the Beacon Run Challenge “Plasma Perimeter” (Beacon Run #4). Do this before Thursday, April 3rd at noon PT to qualify. Your completion time will show up on our Friend-filtered leaderboard.
The player with the fastest completion time will receive a rare and awesome Strider scarf, pictured above. All other entrants will receive the Strider Leaderboard Showdown badge!
If you have yet to unlock Beacon Run #4, it can be found (as a POW icon) in the Upper Military Ring area. I recommend checking this incredibly handy map made by Steam user Sainiku .
Best of luck to all entrants, and remember to spread the word!