Strider and Ultra SFIV spotted in IGN’s Hype Sheet 2014, and they need your votes
Dec 12, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
Alright, so IGN has this thing called The Hype Sheet and it’s pretty much a list of the games people are most excited – or hyped – to see and play next year… but the key part of this is “people” means “you” so you have direct input on which games make it into the list and which ones don’t. So… time to vote!
But why are we talking about this here? Capcom games are part of the poll, of course!
I encourage reading the entire poll carefully – after all, we want to be fair about this – but if you want to spot the Capcom games right away, here are the directions:
Ultra Street Fighter IV can be found under “fighting games” (5th category)
Strider can be found under “platformers” (10th category);
Deep Down can be found under “RPGs” (11th category);
and there’s one more that, while not technically a Capcom title, uses Capcom characters:
Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney can be found under “adventure games” (7th category).
So whenever you’re ready, just head over to IGN’s The Hype Sheet and vote for games that got you hyped the most.
Brands: Street FighterStriderTags: