Street Fighter X Tekken Community Event Reminder
Feb 06, 2013 // ComboFiend
Quick Reminder About the SFxT Community Event
I would like thank everyone for the tremendous support shown for this event as evidenced by the large number of people who requested to be signed up. As previously stated, our maximum capacity for this event is 70 people (which we reached on the first day!) so unless you have received a PM from me confirming your attendance, I would advise that you do not show as you will not be allowed entry and it’s rather cold at night here in San Mateo.
For those that did receive confirmation to their RSVP, the event details are below. If you will not be able to make it tomorrow, please advise through a PM as soon as possible so that others on the waitlist can be added.
Where: Capcom Offices, 800 Concar Dr, 1st floor. San Mateo, CA 94402
When: 7pm-9:30pm on Wednesday, February 6th, 2013.
Additional notes:
- Please understand that this is a place of business. With that being said, try to show up after business hours, ideally after 6pm. The closer to 7pm the better.
- Please be respectful and clean up after yourself. You would not want us to trash your place, so don’t trash ours.
- Please bring your own joystick/fight pad to ensure maximum enjoyment. We will be providing standard Xbox 360/ PS3 controllers.
- Most importantly, have fun!!