Street Fighter X G.I. Joe is a dream cross-over comic hitting stores this month
Feb 04, 2016 // Kellen Haney
Comic aficionados out there might be familiar with both the Street Fighter and G.I. Joe series of comics that have been available for a while now. Well, we’ve got some cool news to share with you today – IDW has been working on a crossover comic that looks absolutely amazing, and brings the world’s most popular fighting game and the real world military action of America’s fighting elite together in the aptly named Street Fighter X G.I. Joe, which will start hitting stores this month. We’ve got a couple pages for you to sneak a peek at and more info on the six-issue series right after the jump!
Let’s get right into the plot:
On a hidden island in international waters, 16 combatants enter a secret tournament… one that pits Street Fighter vs. G.I. Joe! M. Bison and Destro have joined forces, and taking them down will require the world’s finest warriors: Ryu, Snake Eyes, Guile, Scarlett, Chun-Li and Duke.
And the people working hard to bring this comic to you:
New challengers Aubrey Sitterson (Hulk, Superman, Tech Jacket, Worth) and Emilio Laiso (Hack/Slash: Son of Samhain) bring the visceral combat of the world’s most popular fighting game series and the real world military action of America’s fighting elite together for the first time!
You’ll see fiery fights between C. Viper and Snake Eyes, Rufus getting roughed up, and enough hadokens to make you wonder why anyone needs a gun that shoots blue lasers – and that’s just the first issue alone!
The first issue of the six-part series drops later this month, with a trade paperback expected by the end of the year – so if you want in on the ground floor, now’s the perfect time to see just what M. Bison and Destro have planned for our heroes! Each issue will run for $3.99, and will be available at all comic book shops across the country, as well as IDW’s online shop , starting February 24 th!