Aug 12, 2008 // Grant
Before I go on about this “big surprise” John D. mentioned….A bit of self deprecation. I’m an avid gamer (I lined up quarters for SFII and it’s sequels) – I promise that I’m no marketing schmuck. I started as a tester for Sega (poor Sega Saturn!) and then Sony, finally ending up in marketing (8 years worth). So I like to think I know something about gaming and marketing (but I probably don’t).
Anyway, what’s the surprise? The surprise isn’t that SFIV is on it’s way (duh!)…and that it looks and plays sooo good. I went to the secret Fight Club in LA, Comic-con in SD and recently, the Sneaker Pimps concert in LA….at every event, you guys just blow me away by the SF fan-love! Hundreds/thousands of you lined up to play at Comic-con and attend the panel – it was crazy to hear the cheering!
So is this surprise about SFIV? No – sorry to disappoint. BUT it is about Street Fighter as we promised.
This Thursday, on the PLAYSTATION Network, we are releasing a new PSone Classics game for download….STREET FIGHTER ALPHA.
Hopefully you guys remember how awesome the Alpha (“Zero” for your die-hards) series was — new art style, animation, gameplay additions (2P vs. M.Bison!) – it truly is one of the best lines in the SF franchise. So get some of your SF fix with this classic!
Take a look at the intro clip…it should bring back lots of memories (check out the Title screen voice over – good stuff).
Well that’s it for now – I’ll be bringing more SF goodness to you guys….maybe next time it will be SFIV stuff.