Street Fighter IV PC now available
Jul 08, 2009 // Kramez
There are a ton of PC gamers out there who tune in regularly to Unity, so you must be jumping out of your pants with excitement that Street Fighter IV is finally available in North America. You can get the game two ways:
- Hitch your horse to your buggy and canter into town to purchase the boxed version from a retailer, contributing to global warming. Return home, churn butter.
- Follow this link, drop in some pertinent info and immediately download the game. Begin pwning foolz stat.
If you hate Mother Earth and love to sit around and wait, you can find the game in tons of different retail locations. If you have no patience and want it NOW, digital is the way to go.
If’n you jest gotta own the box and the DVD, you might want to look at this groovy Mad Catz bundle deal on Amazon.
Good information to have: the 360 versions of the Mad Catz Fight Stick s are automatically recognized by SFIV PC/Windows XP as soon as they are plugged in. The game will even default to joystick as soon as it senses the stick!