Street Fighter IV FAQ
Aug 19, 2008 // s-kill
Here’s a great FAQ put together by our own T. Lang . He has it on his blog as a text file available for download, but I’ve just gone ahead and posted the whoooole thing here, using the advanced technology I call the “More” button.
This is a really professionally done FAQ for anyone lucky enough to have access to a SFIV machine, but read on anyway for fun details of how to pull of Rufus’s Fragrance Palm and Spectacle Romance attacks! Can you guess who the game calls “Fired Up Communist Flesh”? Yay Japanese-to-English shenanigans!
Street Fighter IV MINI FAQ v0.2
for the Arcade, PS3, XBOX 360, and PC
Written by Torrence Lang
Unpublished work Copyright 2008 Torrence Lang
This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright
Convention of 1976. It is for private and personal use only–it cannot
be reprinted in part or in whole, or reproduced in any way or in any
form (written or otherwise). It is a free document that cannot be used
in any sort of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving
it away as a gift. This FAQ cannot be referenced, altered, or used by
anybody (including webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without
my express written permission. This FAQ was created and is owned by
me, Torrence Lang
found at (www.GameFAQs.com) or (www.capcom-unity.com). All copyrights
and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not
specifically mentioned herein. Remember, plagiarism is a crime and
is punishable by law.
The Street Fighter series is (c) Capcom Co., Ltd.
– Basic Controls
– FAQ Notation
– Basic Moveslist
– Abel
– Balrog
– Blanka
– Chun Li
– Crimson Viper
– Dhalsim
– Edmond Honda
– El Fuerte
– Gouki
– Guile
– Ken
– Mike Bison
– Rufus
– Ryu
– Sagat
– Vega
– Zangief
– Translations
– Help Contribute to this FAQ
– Special Thanks
– Revision History
This section outlines the basic controls for all characters:
(controller directions and results)
ub u uf Jump Up-Back Jump Up Jump Up-Forward
\ | /
b — n — f Walk Back / Block Neutral Walk Forward
/ | \
db d df Crouch / Low Block Crouch Offensive Crouch
Remember to reverse the commands if on the left side of the screen.
(button layout and effect)
LP MP HP Light Punch Medium Punch Hard Punch
LK MK HK Light Kick Medium Kick Hard Kick
qcf / hcf – Input (d,df,f) or (b,db,d,df) on the controller.
qcb / hcb – Input (d,db,b) or (f,df,d,db) on the controller.
Rotate 360 / 720 – Rotate the controller in a full circle or two
full circles. The shorthand method to do this
is to input (f,df,d,db,b,ub,u) or the reverse.
There is no shorthand method for a 720, though.
Charge b,f / d,u – Hold in one direction for two seconds, then press
in the second direction and press the button
listed (P or K).
PPP / KKK – Press all three punches or kicks simultaneously.
MP~HK – MP, MK, HP, or HK can be used for this move.
EX – The special move can be EX’ed. All EX moves are
performed by doing a joystick motion and pressing
two punches or kicks with 1/4 of the super meter
UC – Ultra Combo, can only be done when half the
revenge gauge is full.
AB – Armor Breaker, breaks all super armor from
saving attacks and certain special moves.
(?) – I’m not certain about how the move in
question works.
Standing Block Hold b when attacked
Crouching Block Hold db when attacked
Forward Dash Tap f,f
Backward Dash Tap b,b
High Jump Tap db,uf / d,u / df,ub
Quick Standing When knocked down, tap d as you land
Tech Throw When thrown, press LP + LK (air)
Throws and Holds When close, press (b / f +) LP + LK
Saving Attack* Press MP + MK
Appeal Press HP + HK
*Known as the Focus Attack in the US
Characters are listed in group listing order. The character’s titles
that come after each person’s name are from the official Capcom
Street Fighter IV website. If you recognize that a move is incorrectly
translated into English or if the romaji is off, please let me know.
One other thing is that I’m using the original Japanese names so
Gouki = Akuma, M. Bison = Balrog (boxer), Balrog = Vega (claw), and
Vega = M. Bison (dictator).
Moves are listed in this order; throws, focus attack, command normals,
their appeal (taunt), special moves, super combo, and the ultra combo.
For the target combo listings, you stay standing or crouching throughout
the whole thing, unless it says otherwise.
ABEL, Man Without a Past
Uchimata Nage Close (f +) LP + LK
Taiotoshi Nage Close b + LP + LK
Maegeri f + MK
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Change of Direction qcf + P
Second Middle during Change of Direction, f + P
Second Low during Change of Direction, f + K
Finish Middle after second middle / low, f + P
Finish Low after second middle / low, f + K
EX Wheel Kick qcb + K (AB)
EX Marseilles Rolling qcf + K
EX Sky Fall f,d,df + P
EX Tornado Throw hcb + P
Mushin qcf,qcf + P (AB)
UC Muga qcf,qcf + PPP (AB)
BALROG, Blood Smeared Claw
Rainbow Suplex Close (f +) LP + LK
Crescent Line Close b + LP + LK
Stardust Drop Close LP + LK in air
Piece of Mercury df + MK
Cosmic Smart df + HK
Back Slash Press PPP
Short Back Slash Press KKK
Sankaku Tobi Jump against a wall, press f
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Rolling Crystal Flash Charge b,f + P
EX Scarlet Terror Charge db,f + K (AB)
EX Sky High Claw Charge d,ub~uf + P
EX Flying Barcelona Attack… Charge d,ub~uf + K, then…
…(cont’d.) …b / f, press P
EX Izuna Drop… Charge d,ub~uf + K, then…
…(cont’d.) …b / f, + P when close
EX Sou Gaishi f,d,df + P
Flying… Charge db,df,db,ub~uf + K, then…
…Barcelona Attack …b / f, press P when close
Rolling… Charge db,df,db,ub~uf + K, then…
…Izuna Drop …b / f, + P when close
UC Bloody High Claw Charge db,df,db,ub~uf + KKK (AB)
-EX’d command for Sou Gaishi (without claw) is Kamen Gaishi
(without mask). It takes up 1/2 of the super meter, as opposed to
the usual 1/4.
BLANKA, Jungle Warrior
Wild Fang Close (f +) LP + LK
Jungle Wheel Close b + LP + LK
Rock crush Close, b / f + MP
Amazon River Run df + HP
Surprise Forward f + KKK
Surprise Back b + KKK
Fear Down d + PPP
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Rolling Attack Charge b,f + P (AB)
EX Backstep Rolling Charge b,f + K
EX Vertical Rolling Charge d,u + K
EX Electric Thunder Tap P rapidly (tap PP for EX version)
Ground Shave Rolling Charge b,f,b,f + P
UC Lightning Cannonball Charge b,f,b,f + PPP
-To keep doing Fear Down continue holding d.
CHUN-LI, Divine Leg Excellent Performance
Koshuu Tou Close (f +) LP + LK
Kirin Shuu Close b + LP + LK
Ryuusei Raku Close LP + LK in air
Kaku Kyaku Raku df + HK
Kouhou Kaiten Kyaku df + LK
Kakusen Shuu f + MK
Kinteki Shuu b + MK
Tenkuu Kyaku After Kinteki Shuu, MK
Tensho Kyaku After Tenkuu Kyaku, d,u + K
Yousou Kyaku In air, d + MK
Sankaku Tobi Jump against a wall, then press uf
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Target Combo Diagonal jump,HP,HP
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Hyakuretsu Kyaku Tap K rapidly (tap KK for EX version)
EX Kikou Ken Charge b,f + P
EX Hazan Shuu hcb + K
EX Spinning Bird Kick Charge d,u + K (AB)
Senretsu Kyaku Charge b,f,b,f + K
UC Housenka Charge b,f,b,f + KKK (AB)
Ab Fitness Close (f +) LP + LK
Temple Massage Close b + LP + LK
Viper Elbow f + MP
Double Kick f + HK
High Jump d, then ub~uf
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Thunder Knuckle qcf + P (AB)
EX Burning Kick qcf + K (air)
EX Seismo Hammer f,d,df + P
Emergency Combination qcf,qcf + P
UC Burst Time qcf,qcf + PPP
DHALSIM, Deeply Caring Ascetic
Yoga Smash Close (f +) LP + LK
Yoga Throw Close b + LP + LK
Drill Kick In air, d + K
Drill Zutsuki In air, d + HP
Yoga Tower d + PPP
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Yoga Fire qcf + P
EX Yoga Flame hcb + P (AB)
EX Yoga Blast hcb + K
Yoga Teleport f,d,df / b,d,db + PPP / KKK (air)
Yoga Inferno qcf,qcf + P
UC Yoga Catastrophe qcf,qcf + PPP
EDMOND HONDA, Zealous Sumo Wrestler to Call On
Sabaori Close (f +) LP + LK
Tawara Nage Close b + LP + LK
Shikofumi df + HK
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Target Combo Close, MP,f + HK
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Hyakuretsu Harite Tap P rapidly (Tap PP for EX version)
EX Super Zutsuki Charge b,f + P (AB)
EX Super Hyakkan Otoshi Charge d,u + K
EX Oichou Nage Rotate 360 + P
Oni Musou Charge b,f,b,f + P
UC Super Oni Musou Charge b,f,b,f + PPP (AB)
EL FUERTE, Hot Wind Hurricane
Tepache Bomb Close (f +) LP + LK
Chile Mexicano Close b + LP + LK
Sky Sorpresa Trap Close LP + LK in air
Sankaku Tobi Jump against a wall, press uf
Abise Geri f + MK
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Target Combo Close, MK, MK
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Habanero Dash qcf + P then…
…Kyuuteishi …LP
…Tostada Press …MP
…Fajita Buster …HP
…Back Step …LK
…Gordita Sobat …MK
…Caramale Sliding …HK
EX Habanero Back Dash qcb + P then…
…Kyuuteishi …LP
…Tostada Press …MP
…Propeller Tortilla …HP
…Picadillo Jump …K
EX Quesadilla Bomb Tap K rapidly (AB)
EX Guacamole Leg Throw f,d,df + K
El Fuerte Dynamite qcf,qcf + K
UC El Fuerte Flying Gigabuster qcf,qcf + KKK
GOUKI, The One of the Ultimate Fist
-There’s no official game data on him just yet.
GUILE, Vacuumous Blade
Dragon Suplex Close (f +) LP + LK
Judo Throw Close b + LP + LK
Flying Mare Close (f +) LP + LK in air
Flying Buster Drop Close b + LP + LK in air
Chopping Straight f + MP
Spinning Back Knuckle f + HP
Knee Bazooka b / f + LK
Rolling Sobat b / f + MK
Reverse Spin Kick b / f + HK when close
Guile High Kick df + HK
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Target Combo Crouch MK, f + MP
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Sonic Boom Charge b,f + P
EX Somersault Kick Charge d,u + K (AB)
Double Somersault Charge db,df,db,uf + K
UC Somersault Explosion Charge db,df,db,uf + KKK
KEN MASTERS, Red Lotus Fighting King
Seoi Nage Close (f +) LP + LK
Jigoku Guruma Close b + LP + LK
Inazuma Kakato Wari b + MK
Fumikomi Mae Geri f + MK
Shiden Kakato Otoshi f + HK (hold HK to fake)
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Target Combo Close, MP,HP
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Hadou Ken qcf + P
EX Shouryuu Ken f,d,df + P
EX Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku qcb + K (air, AB)
Shouryuu Reppa qcf,qcf + P
UC Shinryuu Ken qcf,qcf + PPP (AB)
MIKE BISON, Roaring Strong Arm
Head Bomber Close (f +) LP + LK
Lever Break Close b + LP + LK
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Dash Straight Charge b,f + P
EX Dash Upper Charge b,f + K
EX Dash Ground Straight Charge b,df + P
EX Dash Ground Smash Charge b,df + K (AB)
EX Dash Swing Blow Charge b,df + P, then hold P (AB)
EX Buffalo Head Charge d,u + P
Turn Punch Charge PPP or KKK then release (AB)
Crazy Buffalo Charge b,f,b,f + P or K (AB)
UC Violent Buffalo Charge b,f,b,f + PPP or KKK (AB)
RUFUS, Fluttering Giant
Head Bazooka Close (f +) LP + LK
Hand Machine Gun Close b + LP + LK
Virtua Kick f + MK
Glory Kick df + MK
Fragrance Palm f + HP
Falcon Kick In air, df + MK
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Target combo Press LK, HK
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Kyuuseishu Kick qcf + K, K
EX Ginga tornado qcf + P (move b or f, AB)
EX Jatotsu Nature f,d,df + P
Spectacle Romance qcf,qcf + P
UC Space Opera Symphony (AB) qcf,qcf + PPP
– The additional kick in Kyuuseishu Kick give you different results:
LK will give you a high level attack
MK will yield a lower level attack
HK will make Rufus do a mid level overhead attack which must be
blocked high.
RYU, Continual Pursuer
Seoi Nage Close (f +) LP + LK
Tomoe Nage Close b + LP + LK
Sakotsu Wari f + MP
Mizoochi Kudaki f + HP
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Hadou Ken qcf + P
EX Shouryuu Ken f,d,df + P
EX Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku qcb + K (air, AB)
Shinkuu Hadou Ken qcf,qcf + P
UC Metsu Hadou Ken qcf,qcf + PPP
– The EX Hadou Ken is known as the Shakunetsu Hadou Ken.
SAGAT, Tenacious Emperor
Tiger Rage Close (f +) LP + LK
Tiger Carry Close b + LP + LK
Heavy Tiger Elbow f + HP
Step Low Kick f + LK
Step High Kick f + HK
Fake Kick Press HK, HK
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Tiger Shot qcf + P
EX Ground Tiger Shot qcf + K
EX Tiger Uppercut f,d,df + P
EX Tiger Knee Crush f,d,df + K (AB)
Tiger Genocide qcf,qcf + K
UC Tiger Destruction qcf,qcf + KKK
SETH, Puppet King
-There’s no official game data on him just yet.
VEGA, Demon Being – Come From Hell
Deadly Throw Close (f +) LP + LK
Death Tower Close b + LP + LK
Hell Attack Diagnoal jump, MP, MP
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Psycho crusher Attack Charge b,f + P (AB)
EX Double Knee Press Charge b,f + K
EX Head Press… Charge d,u + K, then…
… Somersault Skull Diver …b / f, press P
EX Devil Reverse Charge d,u + P, P
Vega Warp f,d,df / b,d,db + PPP or KKK
Knee Press Nightmare Charge b,f,b,f + K
Nightmare Booster Charge b,f,b,f + KKK
ZANGIEF, Fired Up Communist Flesh
Body Slam Close (f +) LP + LK
Brain Buster Close b + LP + LK
Flying Body Sttack Diagonal jump, d + HP
Double Knee Drop Diagonal jump, d + LK
Headbutt Jump up, u + MP or HP
Long Kick df + HK
Saving Attack Press MP + MK
Appeal Press HP + HK
EX Screw Piledriver 360 + P
EX Banishing Flat f,d,df + P
Double Lariat PPP
Quick Double Lariat KKK
EX Flying Power Bomb 360 + K
Final Atomic Buster 720 + P
Ultimate Atomic Buster 720 + PPP
Uchimata Nage Inner Thigh Throw
Taiotoshi Nage Body Drop Throw
Maegeri Front Kick
Marseilles Rolling* (city in France) Rolling
Mushin Heartless
Muga Soulless
*The literal katakana says maruseiyu which means that it should be
read as Marseileux. But I looked it up and didn’t find anything
that was really significant about it. So I chose Marseilles instead.
It seems to fit better. It’s also on the American version marquee.
Sankaku Tobi Triangle Jump
Sou Gaishi Without Claw
Kamen Gaishi Without Mask
Chun Li
Koshuu Tou Tiger Attack Topple
Kirin Shuu (mythological giraffe) Attack
Ryuusei Raku Dragon Star Drop
Kaku Kyaku Raku Crane Leg Drop
Kouhou Kaiten Kyaku Backward Rotation Leg
Kakusen Shuu Crane Turn Kick
Kinteki Shuu Bull’s Eye Kick
Tenkuu Kyaku Heavenly Sky Leg
Tenshou Kyaku Heaven Ascent Leg
Yousou Kyaku Hawk Talon Leg
Sankaku Tobi Triangle Jump
Hyakuretsu Kyaku Hundred Rending Leg
Kikou Ken Chi Release Fist
Hazan Shuu Supreme Mountain Kick
Senretsu Kyaku Thousand Ruptures Leg
Housenka Phoenix Fan Flower
Drill Zutsuki Drill Headbutt
Edmond Honda
Sabaori Mackerel Snap
Tawara Nage Straw Sack Throw
Shikofumi Ceremonial Sumo Stomp Trample
Hyakuretsu Harite Hundred Rending Stretched Hands
Super Zutsuki Super Headbutt
Super Hyakkan Otoshi Super Hundred Weight Drop
Oichou Nage Great Gingko Tree Throw
Oni Musou Matchless Demon
Super Oni Musou Super Matchless Demon
El Fuerte
Abise Geri Smothering Kick
Sky Sorpresa Trap Sky Surprise Trap
Kyuuteishi Sudden Stop
Ken Masters
Seoi Nage ‘Over the Back’ Throw
Jigoku Guruma Hell Windmill
Inazuma Kakato Wari Lightning Heel Splitter
Fumikomi Mae Geri Advancing Front Kick
Shiden Kakato Otoshi Violet Lightning Heel Drop
Hadou Ken Surge Strike
Shouryuu Ken Rising Dragon Fist
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku Tornado Whirlwind Leg
Shouryuu Reppa Rising Dragon Tempest
Shinryuu Ken Divine Dragon Fist
Kyuuseishu Kick Savior Kick
Ginga Tornado Milky Way Tornado
Jatotsu Nature Snake Striking Nature
Seoi Nage ‘Over the Back’ Throw
Tomoe Nage Comma Throw
Sakotsu Wari Collarbone Splitter
Mizoochi Kudaki Solar Plexus Smash
Hadou Ken Surge Strike
Shouryuu Ken Rising Dragon Fist
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku Tornado Whirlwind Leg
Shinkuu Hadou Ken Vacuuming Surge Strike
Metsu Hadou Ken Destructive Surge Strike
Help Contribute to this FAQ
Any help you guys could give would be really great. If you have any
comments or contributions, feel free to send them to my e-mail address
listed in the disclaimer. If you’ve seen this guide reprinted in a
magazine or on a website other than GameFAQs or Capcom Unity, please
let me know – thanks.
Capcom of Japan
– Once again you guys never cease to amaze me! Got the commands for
all 16 default characters from their awesome SF4 site. Without them
there’d be no proper FAQ, or game for that matter.
Seth Killian
– Thank you for posting my FAQ and for simply being a cool community
Folks at Shoryuken
– For awesome game data, which I can hopefully glean more of
later on… Big thanks to Jinrai, Kunai, and Azarael for their
insight on the game system.
The Golden Gunman
– Big thanks to you and all who contributed to your uber cool system
Sacramento State University
– Thank you for FINALLY releasing me from your edu-prison and allowing
me to concentrate on more pressing matters (like this FAQ). Feels
good to graduate from college by the way. DO IT! Just remember,
brush your greens, eat your teeth, stay in milk, drink your school,
don’t do sleep, and get your eight hours of drugs. That’s what 7
years of indoctrination will do to you. But now I’ve got the freedom
to write! Yay!
Chris McDonald
– You set the bar for fighting game FAQs all over. You’re definitely
missed man! Know you would’ve loved writing this thing. Your format –