Street Fighter is Everywhere!
Jun 05, 2013 // ComboFiend
Whether you’re walking or driving to work, there seems to be no shortage of Fighters on the Street (man…that was terrible, but I had to do it!) or at least art of them. I’ve compiled some random examples of places you really wouldn’t expect to see SF art, but BAM, there it is, ready to Shoryuken if you’re not paying attention.
Sagat vs. Chun-Li “Street Fighting”
Akuma staring you down on your morning drive
It’s ok to S.I.N. in the morning with Juri
Ken showing he wants to be Evo Moment #38 (Evo moment #37 here )
So be sure to stay on the look out. You never know when some cool SF Art could be looking you in the face.