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Street Fighter Inspired Gunnar Optics Poll

Feb 01, 2013 // ComboFiend

The fine folks at Gunnar Optics have sent us over some cool designs for some Street Fighter themed glasses. While we here at the office have our picks on what we think would look good, we would like to know which glasses you fine gamers out there would prefer to be seen in. Also, these are not prescription glasses, but glasses that help reduce glare and maximize gameplay.

Below is the poll. You can cast a vote for one, two, three or all four of the glasses (whichever glasses you are a fan of). The poll is active now until next Wednesday, in which we shall tally the votes. Remember, your input is important, so please only vote for glasses that you would actually like to be seen in. Take note that these are prototypes and the designs may be slightly altered in the future.