Street Fighter High: the Musical Coming Real Soon
Sep 06, 2010 // Sprung64
Hello from Seattle! I know I’ve been quiet about this for awhile and I apologize, but I do want to let you all know some awesome news. Street Fighter High: the Musical will be coming out this week and to celebrate, producer/writer, Jennifer Zhang will be throwing a premiere in the Los Angeles area. Jennifer has been kind enough to invite a few of you and a guest to attend the premiere of Street Fighter High: the Musical. In order to gain entry, Jennifer has set up a small contest. The best submissions will get to attend the premiere tomorrow night. And now a word from producer/writer AND Juri, Jennifer:
Dear Fans of Street Fighter High,
Your support and enthusiasm for our little homage to the *best videogame franchise ever by the best game company ever* continues to be the greatest motivation for releasing what we hope is a worthy sequel. Our launch party and premiere is happening September 6th in Orange County, and it’s our absolute pleasure to invite 3 of you (plus 1 guest each) to this otherwise cast-and-crew-only event. Choosing is going to be hard, but this is how we’ll do it:
“What would be the name of one class offered at Street Fighter High?”
The 3 best submissions will get an official invite… and we might just read your entries aloud at the shindig!
Thank you all so much. You have no idea how much joy you’ve brought the cast and crew. And watch out for Street Fighter High: The Musical! The two-parter will be released September 7th.
Love, Hugs and Hadoukens,
Jennifer Zhang
Good Luck All! I wish I could attend the premiere but I’ll still be at PAX.