Street Fighter… Battle Rap?

Jan 15, 2009 // s-kill

GamesRadar’s Chris Antista found an exciting blast from his past in the form of… a Street Fighter-themed rap battle. 

This would have been one thing if he was just clowning as a big star on their TalkRadar podcast , but made in 2003 when he was just an excited fan, it comes straight from the heart. The rapping is… um, “spotty” in places and chock full of teh adult languages, but its all heartfelt with pretty consistently great lyrics. 

“Look at me, can’t you see I’m a Japanese Adonis?
You drive a Porsche and listen to Alice in Chains*(3), be prepared for the pain!”

*(3) This is a reference to Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie scene where Ken is driving his Porsche on a Seattle freewawy listening to Alice in chains ; The author is incorrect as the song is actually Silverchair’s “Israel’s Son”

What do you think–should we sign these two up for our next SF HD Remix hip-hop album

The rap itself + full transcript (with footnotes to explain the references!) is here , and the entire podcast can be found here