Streaming SFxMM Tuesday at 4pm PT
Dec 11, 2012 // Minish Capcom
So by now you’ve seen the amazing trailer and read the interviews and other fantastic reactions around the web, but this week we’ll actually stream Street Fighter X Mega Man for an hour, and give away some shirts in the process!
Head to our Twitch page tomorrow around 4pm PT and I’ll play through the eight stages that were playable at our SF25 finals last weekend. I won’t reveal any boss weaknesses, nor will I show what awaits Mega Man once the bosses are all beaten…
But hey, it’s a nice long look at the latest build of the game before we finalize everything and get it to you on 12/17. We’re spending this week tightening up the graphics on all the levels (not just level three) as well as bug stomping, so the final-final version needs a couple more days to cook.
We also have six of these lovely SFxMM shirts to give away during the stream! Watch and you could win!
See you then!