Streaming Operation Raccoon City, free stuff inbound
Mar 22, 2012 // Minish Capcom
Earlier this week we hopped in the 360 multiplayer pool – today we’re heading to PS3 territory for even more zombie-bashing goodness. If you have a copy, look for MinishCapcom and play along! If not – hey, we have two copies to give away!
Check back around 4pm PT for the stream, or head to Twitch TV for the full player and chat box (prizes will be awarded inside the chat, so that part’s kinda important). Up for grabs are:
-Two copies of the game (1 PS3, 1 360)
-Three “Tooks” hats with built-in headphones. They also happen to say “C. REDFIELD” on them, as if they’re Chris’ BSAA-standard head gear. Pretty neat!