Streaming Dragon’s Dogma Tomorrow @ 3pm PST
May 22, 2012 // GregaMan
Well, Dragon’s Dogma releases officially in just a few more hours. Are you ready for the reign of the Dragon?!
I, for one, am.
To celebrate the game’s auspicious release, Tristan (of previous Dragon’s Dogma streams, not to mention the latest podcast ) and I will be streaming more gameplay, featuring the Mystic Knight, the elusive Berserk armor, the dreadful Ur-Dragon, and the Maker only knows what else.
Tune in at 3pm PST tomorrow (Tuesday) via our Twitch TV channel . As usual, we’ll also be giving away some great stuff, including copies of the game and some special gifts from our friends over at Viz (publisher of Berserk).
Speaking of Berserk, if you’re a fan, you should check out the official Facebook page for the new animated feature film!