Still Not a Real Boy Yet… (Meet the Intern: Gerald)
Aug 14, 2009 // Sprung64
I know I should’ve done a post and introduce myself a LONG time ago, but as they always say “better late than never.” As some of you may know, I’ve been an intern for Kramez on the Public Relations team here at Capcom for a very long time. It has been an AWESOME experience working with the PR team here at Capcom and learning the ropes while I’m at it.
Like the other interns, I have played a lot of Capcom games since I was a kid. It all started with Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers, Duck Tales and various Mega Man titles on the NES. I have played many other Capcom games besides those, but my FAVORITE Capcom series is Monster Hunter. Feel free to add me on PSN, Sprung64 (My gamertag is the same) and we can hunt together along with Snow and others.
Besides helping out the PR team, one of the most awesome things I enjoy is getting to help the team out with events and meeting you guys, the community at various events as pictured below:
Hunting monsters at EVO.
Me with B. Revolver at Anime Expo