Spyborgs – We’re back!
Apr 29, 2009 // D.A.R.Y.L.
That’s right, remember that Wii excluive, that new co-op action IP that Capcom was developing for the Wii gamers? Here it comes – bigger, better, and badder-@$$er than before.
click on the logo to go to the Spyborgs website and view the trailer, screens, and plenty more content coming soon
Thank you Captivate ’09 for our (re)coming out party. It’s nice to talk details on Spyborgs again. This is going to be fun. The previews and comments are flooding in. I’ll regularly pick ’em off the net and post them here, respond to some of the questions and hot topics, and generally start blogging again about all the cool stuff we and Bionic Games are doing as we finish this project.
For now, Kotaku is the lucky one to kick things off thanks to randomly selecting one out of my inbox.