Spyborgs Producer Interview–Raw and Uncut!
May 15, 2009 // s-kill
I’ve spent all week holed-up in NYC demoing alongside Spyborgs’ producer Daryl Allison as he sings loud and proud about the new tricks up the games’ sleeve (and complains about my insanity-inducing MVC2 soundtrack ). I gotta say, he’s got *me* convinced.
Although you might not have had a chance to play the game yet, Videogamer.com did, and they really let Daryl speak his mind in their interview. They ask a one-sentence question, and Daryl writes a book in response, but that’s good news for anyone looking for the full story on the game’s new direction, keys to success on the Wii, the whole “hardcore” debate, and/or just looking to hear Daryl’s foul mouth.
VideoGamer.com : The easy option would be, and it seems a lot of developers take this option when making games on the Wii, is that graphics don’t really matter because the kind of person who has a Wii doesn’t care about that kind of thing.
DA: Bull****.
Daryl Allison, raw and uncensored! Check it out here .