SPYBORGS: Comic-Con Exclusive Comic Giveaway

Jul 22, 2009 // Grant

As I mentioned in my last post (thanks to everyone for the great feedback on the game cover BTW), we are working on some great Spyborgs stuff to share with all you Capcom fans.  

For Comic-Con, we teamed up with UDON Comics (official Street Fighter comics) to provide a premium heavy stock Comic-Con exclusive comic book giveaway.

Based on some back story/scripts from Daryl, Udon created an original story and pre-quel to the Spyborgs game.  This comic will actually lead you up to the start of the game and give you some color as to what tragedy happened to the team.  It’s packed with action, guns, robots, swords…all the fun stuff) and gives you the inside juice on what this dynamic team of cyborgs will be facing come September 29th.  Hopefully you’ll be at Comic-Con to get your free copy!

See below for the cover, and a cool black and white sneak peek.  -GRANT