Space Stone Reveal for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Battle for the Stones Tournament Series
Sep 24, 2017 // Andy Wong
As we revealed last week, the Battle for the Stones Tournament Series is an epic one-time competition for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite. Past EVO champions will face off against nine winners from future tournaments, six of which will have an Infinity Stone as its prize. SoCal Regionals 2017 is the first of these tournaments and will grant the winner the Space Stone.
The Space Stone allows the wielder to control space itself by swapping their position in the bracket to face a different opponent. The position must be in an equal place in the tournament. All Infinity Stones can only be used in the finals this December in Anaheim, CA!
For more information, head to the official website: marvelvscapcominfinite.com/battle-for-th…