Sneak Peak at New SFIV Anime
Jul 09, 2008 // s-kill
The Japanese Street Fighter IV blog has some new shots from a secretive new animation project. Rather than try and paraphrase, here’s what Shiozawa-san herself had to say about it:
Original Animation to be released! Project manager: Natsuki Shiozawa
Go Live in two weeks.
“original animation movie1 Ryu” will be released today.
The movie was previewed at Captivate’08 in May.
Character sketches (concept sketches).
Serious look, and tight fists reflecting his determination.
These serve as a foundation for the animation. Ryu’s characteristics/identity has to be fixed at this level.
Ken – suddenly appears at the end of the anime.
Many people must have been surprised.
Ken is very expressive.
Can’t forget the word he said to Ryu in the begging of the movie, “Go to hell”
Master of Ken and Ryu, and Goki’s brother.
Big body and aura.
The amine includes a scene of Goken fighting against Goki.
These sketches created a foundation for the animation.
Original drawings to follow.
So meticulous and vivid. Looks as though he is about to move in any moment.
Lights growing in his eyes.
Goki’s original drawings.
Looks as if he screams out of anger right now.
Goki and Goken – original drawing for death match
The brothers disagree on the idea of “power/strength.” They can only end the fight when one of them dies.
The anime was made of passion fro SF, and quality of sketches and original drawings.
Last scene
Under violent water falls, he puts his fist up in the air. What does this mean?
The new footage will be previewed on 7/24 at Comic-Con
Ryu this time, and Chun-Li next time.