Snazzy Mega Man 3DS case coming to Capcom Store
Apr 30, 2013 // Minish Capcom
After the smashing success of our Monster Hunter cases (in both 3DS and XL flavors) we thought, hey, let’s celebrate the whole NES series coming to the Virtual Console by making a Mega Man 25th anniversary case!
On the front you see this striking 8-bit Mega Man image, while the back has the 25th anniversary logo to commemorate two-plus decades of mega-goodness. They’re not on sale just yet (still being ironed out / ordered) but they’ll definitely be at SDCC – plus we’ll have some for the Capcom Store too. And like the MH case, there will be regular 3DS / XL versions from which to choose.
In other case news, there are even more Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate cases coming. They’re not as far along as this Mega Man case though, so once we have images to share, I’m sure Yuri will post ’em on Unity!