Show your skill in Mercenaries and you could receive a badge
Feb 25, 2013 // GregaMan
::UPDATE:: Scores will be tallied from isolated Unity stats (only those who log into ResidentEvil.net via their Unity account will be included), so 25 Unity members are guaranteed to win per console.
Today marks the beginning of a brand new online event over on ResidentEvil.net , and here on Unity we’re throwing a bit more incentive into the pool. If you place in the Top 25 for this event on either console, we’ll award you the RE6 Honor Roll badge , created by Unity’s own TwiGGy . (Got an RE badge idea? Stick it in this thread ! If we end up using it, we’ll throw you some Unity Points.)
The event you’re shooting for is the “High Seas Fortress Dominator,” which runs today through 2/28. All you’ve got to do is aim for the highest Mercenaries score on the High Seas Fortress map. If you want to participate, make sure you’re logging into ResidentEvil.net via your Unity login. Happy hunting!