Show us your favorite Okami art, we’ll show you ours
Oct 25, 2012 // GregaMan
We now have less than a week until Okami HD is available on PSN. My hands tremble with anticipation!
Meanwhile, it’s worth mentioning that this game has been wildly popular amongst the fan artist community. There’s enough fan art out there to sink the USS Sturdybottom, and I don’t even know what that means.
We here at Team Unity have picked five pieces of art that speak to us, and we challenge you to do the same. Seen some Okami art that makes you smile, laugh, or think really hard? Post it in the comments (preferably with credit to the artist) and we’ll toss you an Okami badge to sport on our site.
Pics and comments after the jump!
Artist: DeviantARTist pronouncedyou
Picked by: Brelston
Without a doubt, Okami’s home to some of the most beautiful artwork games have ever seen. That means great source material for those who want to use their own celestial brush skills to create unique pieces of fan art. In this case, Deviantartist “pronouncedyou” stuck to the general look and feel of the main game, but focused on the animal side of Ammy. Here she is, caught in a post-nap stretch, which makes me smile every single time I see it.
Ammy does a lot of amazing things in Okami. That’s why this mundane, moment-in-time piece of art sticks out – it’s not fantastic or incredible, but a simple “welp, time to get back to it” aside that humanizes an otherwise crazy experience.
Artist: DeviantARTist Pre-maitre-Harley
Picked by: Dubindoh
Comment: I’m a big fan of using different colors for lighting and shading. And that’s what sold me on this piece. It’s one of the few Okami fan art pieces out there that adds another color (beyond red and white) to Amaterasu adding some three-dimensionality and cool -ness. The light blue tones go a long way serving primarily as shading, but also helping reinforce the lighter ambient and reflected lighting. That’s all on top of a lovely line-art whose excellence is already obvious.
Artist: DeviantARTist chupachup
Picked by: Chris
Comment: Okay, sincere apologies to all the artists out there who worked hours and hours on their gorgeously authentic pieces. I’m just that big a Peanuts dork I guess, so [chupachup’s] drawing laid waste to my soul with a breath of fresh air. Snoopy is one of the coolest characters in the universe (I am not joking) so not only did this here mock up fill me with delight, but when I think about Amaterasu dancing on a piano, ignoring morose and schlubby round-headed humans, and/or being a World War I Flying Ace I can’t help but giggle.
Artist: Pixel Joint user 7even
Picked by: GregaMan
Comment: Well, there’s so much awesome fan art out there, it can be really hard to narrow down a list like this. So I decided to go for something unconventional. As you can see, this is one artist’s reimagining of the game as a 16 (give or take)-bit “demake.” I’m a big fan of these “demake” pics, not to mention actual 16-bit games, and I must admit that, as great as the actual Okami game is, the thought of a 2D side-scrolling version does make my mouth runneth over with froth.
Artist: DeviantARTist ashiong
Picked by: Special guest, Okami HD Product Manager Tristan Corbett!
Comment: Not only is this piece simply marvelous to look at, but it also manages to encapsulate so many great moments and characters from the game. And as a fan, it’s great to look through and see all the familiar friends and foes and be reminded of what an incredible game Okami really is.
Now, I can’t stress this enough: We knowwww we missed thousands upon thousands of amazing pieces of Okami fan art. That’s why we want to hear from you guys. Show us what you’ve found in the comments!