Shin Akuma Kidrobot figure enters the (San Diego Comic Con exclusive) ring
Jun 21, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
If you’re going to San Diego Comic Con , you’re probably gonna be looking for cool exclusive stuff, right? Like the Mega Man 3DS cases , for example. Well, here’s a pretty awesome exclusive, brought you by BAIT: it’s a Kidrobot Street Fighter figure of none other than Shin Akuma .
I knew I had seen this design before, but I couldn’t point out exactly where; after some online research, I arrived at Shin Akuma (or Shinji Akuma?). You can tell it’s not your regular Akuma figure, because the hair is not red, the gi is not purple, and the kanji on the back is also different (not 天)! Reminds me a bit of Oni ‘s kanji (see below):
All in all, it amounts to this pretty unique exclusive figure. So, like I said, if you’re going to SDCC , look out for this – and if you’re not going, better start talking to someone that is going!
(via Shoryuken )
PS: now I want one too!