Shin Akuma is coming…at least in statue form.
Sep 24, 2009 // Double_r
Not too long ago I wrote a blog post about the new statues coming from Sota Toys this fall. Our friends at Sota informed me that there is going to be a variant to the already awesome Akuma statue and it will be an exclusive to the Sideshow Collectibles website. As you can see in the picture above it is based on the Shin Akuma design and his eyes light up! It should be out just in time for the holidays. Check out the Sideshow Collectibles website for more info and pictures. You can also click on the more button.
See how his eyes light up! If you move side to side it looks like they are following you.
This is a pretty cool shot from the back. I like how it shows his symbol. I can’t wait for it to come out.