Share your favorite Monster Hunter Miiverse art

Sep 25, 2013 // Yuri Araujo

Remember how you can now access the  Nintendo Miiverse from you web browser and find all the cool  Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Community fan artwork? It’s a really neat thing… so here’s more!

Brachydios by Lulu

Wild Barroth by Giniro

Agent Jho by RedStache

Deviljho by Agt.Wilson

Grim Cat by Dave

And you may also have heard of a Wii U title called Art Academy… turns out  Monster Hunter fans have been creating fan art there too! This first one I posted on the blog a while ago, but here are two more I just found:

Yoshi Jho by WyvernSmasher

Brachydios by Jay

Zinogre by Minako

So what’s the point of this all? Well, as you can see on these threads (1) (2) , sharing Miiverse fan art is cool and makes everyone happy… So how about you share (you can just them my way) awesome art and we’ll trade them for Unity points?