SFxT Dev Blog – TGS 2012 round-up
Sep 28, 2012 // GregaMan
Time for another SFxT blog courtesy of Producer Tomoaki Ayano. Augmented reality pics, TGS coverage, and more granular Japanese minutiae than you can shake a stick at.
Hello everyone, Tomoaki Ayano here once again, back fresh from a successful Tokyo Game Show!
For this week’s blog, I’d like to give the low-down on TGS 2012 via photos we took at the show.
This is the SFXTK booth.
In addition to the PS Vita version, we were also showing off the new iPhone version of SFXTK.
At its peak, the line for the PS Vita version of SFXTK was an hour and a half!
Actually, all of Capcom’s booths were swamped with visitors, not just SFXTK.
Here’s a shot of the show we held at Capcom’s event stage on Sunday, September 23 -the last day of the show.
You can see us showing off AR (Augmented Reality), one of the new PS Vita SFXTK features!
While AR isn’t directly related to what fighting games are per se, it’s a neat bonus we included that lets you show off the PS Vita’s functionality.
We’re happy that we could show it off; the crowd was certainly pleased!
Following the AR demo, we invited pro gamers Tokido and Fuudo onstage for that special presentation I mentioned a couple of weeks ago: a Pro Gamer SFXTK Seminar, if you will!
We now move to “ONE PLAY NYU-KON”, an event put on at the Sony Computer Entertainment Japan PlayStation®Booth, and where we had our pro gamer showdown!
Tokido is on the 1 st player side, using Dhalsim and Cody, facing off against Fuudo, who is using Chun-Li and Julia. I probably don’t have to tell you, but the battle was intense!
In the end, Tokido pulled out the win!
It was really an exciting match to watch; you could just see that Tokido was on his game.
I also took to the stage and, using the new Casual Style feature on SFXTK for PS Vita, played a match via crossplay with Tokido, who was on the PS3.
Tokido is once again on the 1 st player side using Dhalsim and Cody (PS3), while I was on the 2 nd player side, using Bryan and Elena (PS Vita).
With Casual Style, blocking and moving are all handled by the CPU, leaving the player to attack with a tap or flick of the finger.
And pictured above, is me getting thoroughly trounced!
We made the Casual Style feature with the idea that even those new to fighting games could easily get into the game, only requiring one-finger controls.
My index finger certainly did its best, but let’s just say that pro gamers are a force to be reckoned with!
Next, we have the SFXTK booth girls, who were nice enough to pose for some AR pictures for us.
Here’s one with them pitted against Ryu.
Wary of Chun-Li’s legendary kicks, the girls execute some blocks.
Jin’s caught in a pincer attack!
They’re doing their best Xiaoyu impersonations.
So, that’s about it for the Tokyo Game Show!
I’d like to personally thank everyone who came out to the show!
Lastly, I have an announcement.
Allow me to present the exclusive bonuses we’ve prepared for customers here in Japan who pick up the PS Vita version of SFXTK in stores –available on a first-come-first-serve basis!
↑ A GEO-exclusive cover jacket, at locations that carry video games
↑ A Bic Camera- and Softmap-exclusive cover jacket, at locations that carry video games
↑ A Yamada Denki-exclusive cover jacket, at locations that carry video games
↑ A Rakuten Books-exclusive PC desktop wallpaper
And that will do it for this week, please check back in again next time!