SFxT Dev Blog: Street Fighter X Tekken Info Round-Up 2
Dec 12, 2011 // GregaMan
Another SFxT dev blog comin’ atcha faster than a Speed Gem’d hurricane kick! Tatsumakisenpuublog! Hey everyone, this is Ayano. In Japan we’re getting closer and closer to the release of Monster Hunter Tri G for the Nintendo 3DS! After putting all of my efforts into “the hunt” with Monster Hunter, I’m going to focus on the Dec. 13 release of Super Street Fighter IV AE Ver.2012! This will be a free game update to all SSFIV AE users, so please check it out! So I wanted to deliver a bunch of new information to everyone at the end of the year about Street Fighter X Tekken… but to be honest, I think everyone’s getting a little bit impatient waiting, so let’s just review the information that’s already been released thus far! The Gem System, which as everyone knows, is a system that boosts a character’s parameters and is a strategic and ground-breaking system for the fighting game genre. Gems help form the foundation of the battle system in SFxTK and are broken up into two main categories. The first category is the Boost Gem. Whether you’re using Ryu or Kazuya, the character you’re controlling gets a boost with these Gems. The other category is the Assist Gem. This doesn’t help out the character, but rather the player controlling the character. This time around, I wanted to go into more specifics about the Divine Speed Gem, which is part of the Boost Gem category! Equip 3 Divine Speed Gems and you’ll move much faster than before! For example… Zangief is moving incredibly fast here! Man…that’s terrifying. Hmm, yeah, deeper into the rabbit hole we go. Huh? You think it’s possible to create an infinite combo because of the speed increase? To that, the answer is no! The Divine Speed Gem increases your character’s movement speed, but does not necessarily increase the speed of your normal or special attacks. Also, the effects of this Gem only last 15 seconds at most, so once it wears off your character returns to a normal speed. I’m thinking that I’ll delve more into the Divine Speed Gem (amongst others) and its effects, activation conditions and costs coming next week! Also, at long last, Japanese arcades have received SSFIV AE Version 2012! We’re also continually releasing information regarding Capcom’s official SSFIV AE Version 2012 national tournament. While the page is in Japanese, if you have any interest in the tournament, please check out the official page here ! But for now, that’s it! I’ll write more next time, promise!