SFxT Dev Blog: Revealing the Official Tag Prologues
Feb 10, 2012 // GregaMan
Hey everyone! This is Ayano checking in. Man, it sure is cold here in Tokyo!
I grew up in a sunny place called Okayama, so I’m really feeling it.
To make matters worse, this weekend I find myself suddenly going to Korea. Reportedly the temperature in Seoul is -10°C (14°F). In that case I’m just going to have to hole myself up in my hotel room!
Ah, but I really want to eat samgyeopsal! That’s delicious Korean pork y’know.
Anyway, that’s enough about the weather. Today we’ve uploaded the prologue videos that will play in Arcade Mode for the following 6 tag teams!
Calculated Bloodlust: Kazuya/Nina
Overwhelming Intimidation: Heihachi/Kuma
We’ll be adding more in the days to come so be sure to check back frequently!
In the following video you’ll hear Ryu speaking Japanese and Nina speaking English, but in SFXTK you’ll be able to set the voices as you like in options!
↑The default settings use a mix of English and Japanese.
↑But we can have everyone speaking English…
↑And we can also have everyone speaking Japanese!
So if you want to hear Cammy speaking English or Lili speaking Japanese, you’ll be able to customize things to your liking! However, please note that since Toro, Kuro, and Kuma don’t actually speak, you won’t be able to change their voice settings.
I’ve got more videos up my sleeve – the second installment of Daigo Umehara and Tokido playing Street Fighter X Tekken! Tokido jumps in and he and Daigo duke it out in a fierce series of battles!
For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, be sure to check it out !
Now I’d like to change gears and talk about SSFIV AE.
I said last time that I was going to attend the grand finals at the Taito Men of Valor tournament on 2/12, but as it turns out I’ll be in Korea on that day…
I’ll do my best to at least make it out to the awards ceremony, but depending on how the tournament plays out I might not be able to make it at all. I just can’t avoid being late on that day. I can only offer my sincerest apologies.
Also, about the special titles we’ll be giving out for the national tournament, we’re going to be giving these out in sequential order. We’d like to give them all out at once, but it’s going to take a bit of time to confirm the card ID’s and player names of everyone who is participating, as well as make sure everything is on the up-and-up (such as no double-entrants). Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
But it looks like we’ll be able to have them done before the Spring National Tournament on March 3 rd ! So please bear with us!
And that’s all for this week!
Next week… well… heh. Let me just say that you’ve all been waiting for the info we’re going to reveal, so be sure not to miss it!