SFxT Dev Blog: NY Comic Con Announcements
Oct 13, 2012 // GregaMan
::Dev blog time. Lots of details on the newly-announced SFxT title update. Read on!
Greetings everyone! Tomoaki Ayano here.
Only two more weeks until the PS Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken hits the streets! It’s getting colder and colder here in Japan; everyone make sure to start bundling up to keep warm! I wouldn’t want anyone to catch a cold—especially with the PS Vita version release so close!
Now then, for today’s blog I wanted to talk about all of the announcements that we had at NY Comic Con.
Alternate Costumes Release Date Confirmed!
Tuesday, October 30 is when the Alternate Costumes go online!
Thanks to the Internet, we were able to squeeze in a last minute update for the PS Vita version of SFXTK that allows you to use the PS Vita system as a controller for the PS3 version of SFXTK! We call it Cross-Link.
By using the PS Vita as a controller, you can use the touch panel with the PS3 version. If you have the game on both systems, I highly recommend you give it a shot!
The big news, however, is…
We’re proud to announce Street Fighter X Tekken Ver. 2013!
This update will be available sometime in the middle of December of this year.
SFXTK Ver. 2013 Update Rundown
-Activated Gem’s Visual Effect Altered
Toning down the glowing effect makes the characters much easier to see!
-When the round starts, the “Fight” graphic disappears much quicker.
The “Fight” graphic that stayed on the screen until the characters move is now gone.
-Recoverable damage color is now easier to see.
By making the recoverable damage color red, it’s much easier to see for the players.
-The cut-in camera during a Boost Combo has been adjusted, making the fights flow with more speed.
↑ Before
↑ After
By adjusting the cut-in camera, it’s easier to connect with follow-up combos when your partner switches in.
-Start up on normal throws has been sped up to 5 frames, down from 7 frames.
We think that by doing this, the game balance gains some more variety.
Faster throws will change the fight when up close and personal.
-Vitality recovery speed has been adjusted to reduce the amount of Time Over matches.
The change in vitality recovery speed will definitely change how matches play out.
-The Tekken character’s anti-air abilities have been reworked, and can now knock opponents out of the air more effectively.
Yoshimitsu’s Gehosen can be used as an anti-air!
There are a lot of changes we’ve made to the game, and we did our absolute best to put in as many requests as possible into Ver. 2013! Besides the above changes, we’re also working on balancing out the characters too. We’ll divulge this information to everyone as soon as we’re allowed to talk about it, so hang in there!
Moving on to other things, we’re put together the answers to our “Find Blanka and Kuma” contest!
[Note: All video clips can be viewed on the Japanese blog here .
Blanka 1 – 02:32 This one is pretty easy.
Kuma 1 – 07:09 This one is also easy to spot.
Kuma 2 – 10:02 Check out the second suitcase from the front.
Blanka 2 – 13:24 Check out the area around Vega’s right hand. This one was actually the hardest for me to spot!
Kuma 3 – 16:55 Check out the handrail to the right of Jack-X
Blanka 3 – 22:40 The last one is kind of easy, it’s located on the right-hand side shelf.
In total, there were six of them! How many did you find?
Out of the many diligent gamers who were able to spot all of them, we’re giving 100 lucky fans a special “Omnipotent” title!
Note: The entry period is already over.
We’re planning to award the titles around the middle of October, so please wait a little bit longer.
Finally, as always I have one more announcement.
We’re proud to announce that on Saturday, October 20th we will be holding a special “Autumn Fighting Festival” tournament!
There is one twist, however!
Much to our surprise, Capcom USA announced at NY Comic Con that they will be sending us invitations for the “SF 25th Anniversary Tournament,” so we’re going to give these invitations to the “Autumn Fighting Festival” champions for Street Fighter X Tekken, SSFIV Arcade Edition and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike OE. The runner-ups for SFXTK and SSFIV AE will also receive invitations! These players will represent Japan at the SF 25th Anniversary Tournament!
Tons of highly-skilled players, not to mention well-known faces will be participating in the Autumn Fighting Festival, and it’s really anyone’s game. This will be, without a doubt, one tournament you won’t want to miss! I’ll be at Nicofarre, where the tournament is going to be held, so I look forward to watching all of the action with everyone!
That’s it for this week! Check back next week for more info!