SFIV Kotaku Podcast with Guest Seth Killian
Mar 06, 2009 // Snow
Seth spent some time with the Kotaku guys, Mike and Adam, recording a SFIV podcast. We actually recorded this once before with Brian included too… but the Bionic Commando flash drive we were using caught fire or something. A heads up, apparently your NOT supposed to put them through the washing machine, and then hope that rattling noise was “OK.”
Anyways, we did get the footage, and it is teh rockzors. Actually, speaking of things that rock, check out the intro to this podcast! Adam has some mad skillz, as this is by far one of the coolest intros I’ve ever laid eyes on. Throughout the podcast you’ll see Seth use his various techniques, and try to talk at the same time. Seth gets very involved when he plays, like all of us, so asking him questions at the same time as playing is like when your wife interrupts you while your watching your stories. Yea, just like that. Oh, and listen in for some Street Fighter seekrits!