SFHD Beta Patch issues
Aug 12, 2008 // JimmyRey
Hey guys. I’ve been looking around our board and other boards for reaction on the patch. Some of it is good and some of it it not so good. For those whose experience has seemed to degraded, I wanted to let you guys know what’s going on and hopefully it will alleviate some of your fears.
Many of you guys have indicated that it now seems a bit more jittery and possibly laggy now that the patch is applied. There were 3 issues that we knew were still going to be in the game, but unfortunately, they were too “risky” to fix in time. By risky, we mean that the changes were deep enough in the code were it presented a risk to fix due to potential to create other bugs and require a ton more QA. As we wanted to get the patch out soon, we decided go keep the issues in the game for now, to be fixed for when the game was released. The issues are:
– The background will jitter around a bit. This is actually occuring more in the real world than in our testing, but we do know about it and have a fix. This is being caused by the camera position adjusting when the “smoothing” frames are being played back.
– When throwing an opponent, the character being thrown seems to be lagging behind. This is an issue we know about and will be fixed.
– Sometimes when throwing a hadoken, the fireball isn’t seen until many frames later.
These 3 issues are all related to the “smoothing” that was put into the game. The character frames are actually playing much better than before, but the background jittering is making is seem like there is lag when there isn’t. As this was a new feature, we wanted to make sure it could be turned off if need be.
To turn off smoothing, just hold LT, RT, RB, and LB. While holding them, press start and you should heara tone indicating it has turned off.
There are still other netcode improvements that have been implemented that should improve the gameplay, but for some, it seems the smoothing is making the game feel laggy when it isn’t.
Please give it a shot and let me know what you guys think, and keep up the good bug reporting!