SF25th Paris, France begins tomorrow, check out who is competing!
Oct 30, 2012 // haunts
We’re here in France for Paris Games Week and there is a ton of Street Fighter action to look forward to from now through the end of the week! Between the French Cup and the Master Series Europe (Official SF25th European Qualifier) you’ll be able to watch some of the best Street Fighter players in the world fight it out all week long. There is a huge list of all the players involved — many that I’m personally really excited to see compete such as Starnab, Alioune, BillyKane, V-Ryu and Louffie just to name a few — which you can check out after the jump.
Hit the comments and let me know who you want to see play the most!
Tune into the stream tomorrow on the Capcom Fighters channel at 3PM UCT +1 (6AM PDT / 9AM EST) and for a full schedule and more information check out this post .
1] Stunfest 2012 / Étape de Rennes / Association 3HIT COMBO : SWGA|Kazuya
2] Battle Guayana Games Cup 7 / Étape de Guyane / Association CDV : CDV|Fresh
3] GOD 2K12: Summer Edition / Étape de Paris / Association WatchDaMatch :MCZ.WDM|Cuongster
4] HGL Party 10 / Étape de Paris / Association Hardcore Gamer League : Valmaster
5] No Man’s Land BigOne 3 / Étape de Lille / Association La Crampe aux doigts : Alioune
6] Open de Normandie / Étape de Val de Reuil / Association MT Events : Millenium|LordDVD
7] Bushido Impact International 2 / Étape de Paris / Association Bushido Impact : Joe Higashi
8] CFSF Online par FightPlay/ Étape Online/ Association FightPlay : TueFADAA
1] Capcom League R2 / Étape de Lyon / Association GameSpirit : Millenium|LordDVD (Hon)
2] GOD 2K12: Summer Edition / Étape de Paris / Association WatchDaMatch :WDM.MCZ|Louffie (Ros)
3] Japan Addict 14 / Étape de Strasbourg / Association Round One : WDM.MCZ|Cuongster (Hon)
4] HGL Party 10 / Étape de Paris / Association Hardcore Gamer League : Tko x Isoudw (Gui)
5] No Man’s Land BigOne 3 / Étape de Lille / Association La Crampe aux doigts : Alioune (Cam)
6] CFSF @ Arcade Street R1 / Étape de Paris / Association Arcade Street : WDM.MCZ|Will2Pac (Vip)
7] Les Veaux Bordelais / Étape de Bordeaux / Association SWGA Bordeaux : GxC|Kimado (Dic)
8] Open de Normandie / Étape de Val de Reuil / Association MT Events : GU|Saunic (Ibu)
9] MaXlan FraKasse / Étape d’Epinal / Association Spinarcade : NTSC|Abdess (Ryu)
10] Bushido Impact International 2 / Étape de Paris / Association Bushido Impact : Kusanagi (Set)
11] CFSF Online par FightPlay/ Étape Online/ Association FightPlay : RaGe|Prim77 (Bla)
12] GOD au Paris Manga / Étape de Paris / Association WatchDaMatch : ADoNe Stylz (Sag)
13] GOD au Paris Manga / Étape de Paris / Association WatchDaMatch : Perplex (Ruf)
14] CFSF au beurre salé / Étape de Rennes / Association 3HIT COMBO : LDLC|StarNab (Fei)
15] Eternellement Manga 2012 / Étape d’Istre / Association Games Culture : VSFTV|EsseX (E.Ryu)
16] Capcom Fight Club R6 w/ Team LDLC/ Étape de Paris / Association Versus Dojo : Gagapa (Dic)
1] Festival Go PlayOne #4 / Étape de Hyères / Association Games Culture : Alioune
2] No Man’s Land BigOne 2 / Étape de Lille / Association La Crampe aux doigts : Ichi
3] No Man’s Land BigOne 2 / Étape de Lille / Association La Crampe aux doigts : Tchang
4] Battle Selection – UMVC3 / Étape de Guyane / Association CDV : CDV|Jefou
5] Bushido Impact International 2 / Étape de Paris / Association Bushido Impact : Gon
6] GOD au Paris Manga / Étape de Paris / Association WatchDaMatch : Haru
7] CFSF Online par FightPlay/ Étape Online/ Association FightPlay : Goumiz
8] Capcom Fight Club R3 / Étape de Paris / Association Versus Dojo : Ergheiz
1] Capcom Fight Club R1 / Étape de Paris / Association Versus Dojo : Tome (Mak)
2] Galactic Tournament 4 / Étape de Nancy / Association NTSC : NTSC|Abdess (Ken)
3] CFSF @ Arcade Street R2 / Étape de Paris / Association Arcade Street : Nikola (Dud)
4] CFSF @ Arcade Street R2 / Étape de Paris / Association Arcade Street : BillyKane (Yun)
5] Bushido Impact International 2 / Étape de Paris / Association Bushido Impact : Otana (Urien)
6] CFSF Online par FightPlay/ Étape Online/ Association FightPlay : Gunfight (Chu)
7] CFSF au beurre salé / Étape de Rennes / Association 3HIT COMBO : Niabanh (Mak)
8] Capcom Fight Club R5 / Étape de Paris / Association Versus Dojo : Victor (Necro)
1] X-Mania Europe 2 / Étape de Toulouse / Association SWGA : Ukyo (Dee)
2] X-Mania Europe 2 / Étape de Toulouse / Association SWGA : Milanea (Hon)
3] Capcom League R1 / Étape de Lyon / Association GameSpirit : uiettham (Dha/Box)
4] Capcom Fight Club R2 / Étape de Paris / Association Versus Dojo : Boxer (Box)
5] CFSF @ Arcade Street R2 / Étape de Paris / Association Arcade Street : MCZ.WDM|Cuongster (Ken)
6] CFSF Online par FightPlay/ Étape Online/ Association FightPlay : Wolmar (Hon)
7] CFSF au beurre salé / Étape de Rennes / Association 3HIT COMBO : Dav35 (Ryu/Box/Chu)
8] Capcom Fight Club R4 / Étape de Paris / Association Versus Dojo : Aero Rockman (Gui)
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver.2012 (32 spots)
1] MFA2012 / Russia / Fighting.ru: Gr1ngo (Blanka)
2] MFA2012 / Russia / Fighting.ru: Goga (Claw)
3] Swizerland: V-Ryu (Makoto)
4] Swizerland: Easyman (Ryu)
5] Ireland / Random Select: Ladnopoka (Cody)
6] Ireland / Random Select: Stev0 (Honda)
7] Art of Tekken 4 / Poland / BackDash.pl: Kejim (Blanka)
8] Art of Tekken 4 / Poland / BackDash.pl: Snake (Rufus)
9] Israel / The Dojo Israel: Beni Best (Cammy)
10] Israel / The Dojo Israel: Zilberman (Guy)
11] The Netherlands / DutchNoobz: Bushin (Boxer)
12] The Netherlands / DutchNoobz: GaRrZeTT (Sakura)
13] EGL8 / The UK / EGL & ArmsHouse.tv: WW.MCZ|Andreas (Rufus)
14] EGL8 / The UK / EGL & ArmsHouse.tv: CG|Problem X (Seth)
15] Scandinavian Edge / Sweden / Negative Edge: Ixion (Dan)
16] Scandinavian Edge / Sweden / Negative Edge: Skatan (Sakura)
17] VanDammage 4.4 / Austria / Virtual Dojo Vienna: Tigra
18] VanDammage 4.4 / Austria / Virtual Dojo Vienna:
19] Round1 Oslo Round2 Paris / Norway / Round1 KO: Phenom (Dictator)
20] Round1 Oslo Round2 Paris / Norway / Round1 KO: Veggey (Zangief)
21] Revolution – Hell in a Cell 2012 / Italy / Revolution Championship Series: Bronzo (Guile /Dee Jay)
22] Revolution – Hell in a Cell 2012 / Italy / Revolution Championship Series: DaFeetLee(Cammy)
23] Spain / Arcadia Fighters: Fasoll (Ibuki)
24] Spain / Arcadia Fighters: WDM.MCZ|Nercromina (Cammy)
25] Germany / FightClubNRW & Hadoken.eu: GG.TR|Halibel (Akuma)
26] Germany / FightClubNRW & Hadoken.eu: orkanONE (Dhalsim)
27] Greece / Greek Dojo:
28] Greece / Greek Dojo:
29] Belgium / eLive Arena: Kenpachi (Ryu)
30 Belgium / eLive Arena: Phenix (T-Hawk)
31] SF French Cup / France / Capcom France:
32] SF French Cup / France / Capcom France:
Street Fighter X Tekken (32 spots)
1] MFA2012 / Russia / Fighting.ru: Gr1ngo (Rolento, Julia)
2] MFA2012 / Russia / Fighting.ru: FLCL (Juri, Xiaoyu)
3] Swizerland: V-Ryu
4] Swizerland: Easyman
5] Ireland / Random Select: Cobelcog
6] Ireland / Random Select: Eff
7] Art of Tekken 4 / Poland / BackDash.pl: Kejim
8] Art of Tekken 4 / Poland / BackDash.pl: Snake
9] Israel / The Dojo Israel: Zilberman
10] Israel / The Dojo Israel: Beni Best
11] The Netherlands / DutchNoobz: Bushin
12] The Netherlands / DutchNoobz: GaRrZeTT
13] EGL8 / The UK / EGL & ArmsHouse.tv: Taaha
14] EGL8 / The UK / EGL & ArmsHouse.tv: Fuzzy
15] Scandinavian Edge / Sweden / Negative Edge: Robofobe
16] Scandinavian Edge / Sweden / Negative Edge: Rotbah
17] VanDammage 4.4 / Austria / Virtual Dojo Vienna: Tigra
18] VanDammage 4.4 / Austria / Virtual Dojo Vienna:
19] Round1 Oslo Round2 Paris / Norway / Round1 KO: SimSim
20] Round1 Oslo Round2 Paris / Norway / Round1 KO: Veggey
21] Revolution – Hell in a Cell 2012 / Italy / Revolution Championship Series: Bronzo
22] Revolution – Hell in a Cell 2012 / Italy / Revolution Championship Series: DaFeetLee
23] Spain / Arcadia Fighters: Vaan619
24] Spain / Arcadia Fighters: Ryumanjisen
25] Germany / FightClubNRW & Hadoken.eu: Damooni
26] Germany / FightClubNRW & Hadoken.eu: orkanONE
27] Greece / Greek Dojo:
28] Greece / Greek Dojo:
29] Belgium / eLive Arena: Jin The Best
30 Belgium / eLive Arena: Master VHD
31] SF French Cup / France / Capcom France:
32] SF French Cup / France / Capcom France:
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (8 spots)
1] Ireland / Random Select: Chunkis (Ken)
2] The Netherlands / DutchNoobz: Twixmaster (Dee Jay)
3] EGL8 / The UK / EGL & ArmsHouse.tv: Fuzzy (Cammy)
4] Scandinavian Edge / Sweden / Negative Edge: Louie
5] VanDammage 4.4 / Austria / Virtual Dojo Vienna: Tigra
6] Revolution – Hell in a Cell 2012 / Italy / Revolution Championship Series: DaFeetLee
7] Belgium / eLive Arena: Kenpachi (Guile)
8] SF French Cup / France / Capcom France:
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition (8 spots)
1] Ireland / Random Select: Chunkis (Ryu)
2] The Netherlands / DutchNoobz: Nindo (Sagat)
3] EGL8 / The UK / EGL & ArmsHouse.tv: Dignitas|Zak Bennett (Chun-Li)
4] Scandinavian Edge / Sweden / Negative Edge: Louie (Ken)
5] VanDammage 4.4 / Austria / Virtual Dojo Vienna: Tigra
6] Revolution – Hell in a Cell 2012 / Italy / Revolution Championship Series: DaFeetLee
7] Belgium / eLive Arena: Kenpachi (Ken)
8] SF French Cup / France / Capcom France: