Select Capcom games are $10 on this PSN Flash Sale!
Aug 22, 2014 // Yuri Araujo
Heads up everyone: this weekend’s PSN Flash Sale has 4 Capcom games for only $9.99 each! You can click here to see the full list of games, but I’ll help with direct links to the Capcom ones:
Resident Evil Revelations (PS3)
Lost Planet 3 (PS3)
DmC Devil May Cry (PS3)
Street Fighter X Tekken (PSVita)
Again, these are all going for $9.99 this weekend, and if I were to make any recommendations (say you can only pick one or two) my personal favorite of the list is DmC Devil May Cry ; or you could get Street Fighter X Tekken which has all the DLC characters… works well if you already had the PS3 version but not the DLC. Happy shoipping! =)