See the entire DuckTales: Remastered Comic-Con panel right here
Jul 26, 2013 // Chris
Tons of news, DuckTales love, and a LIVE performance of THE MOON THEME!
Obviously, many of us didn’t have the luxury of attending Comic-Con this year. Or, if you’re like me, you were there in San Diego and still missed the DuckTales: Remastered panel ! Well, let’s take a moment to tip our tophats towards those goodly folks at mouseinfo who filmed the whole dang thing. Come for the treasure trove of inside info regarding WayForward’s resurrection of one of the most beloved NES games of all time, stay for the live unveiling of Jake Kaufman’s stirring take on the timeless Moon Theme !
Big thanks to DuckTales: Remastered producer Rey “ JimmyRey “ Jimenez, who not only passed along the video below, but also went to the trouble of highlighting portions of the panel in case you feel like skipping around. Peep those timestamps!
04:28 – About WayForward
07:33 – DuckTales, Carl Barks, and Scrooge
14:14 – Character updating and animation
19:44 – Level art and design
24:15 – Audio
29:29 – Voice Acting
34:26 – Live Musical Performance
Oh, and we’d probably be remiss if we didn’t take this opportunity to plug the latest in our series of Duckumentaries that went up this week, so we’ve embedded that below. For all the latest DuckTales: Remastered news, info, and media, be sure to check out/join the DuckTales group .