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Se Habla Arrrrrrrrrrrr?

Oct 28, 2008 // CapKraig

Last night I had an amusing experience — I jumped into a group of dudes on Age of Booty who were all were speaking Spanish. My first inclination was to leave because communicating is so key in Age of Booty, but I threw caution to the wind to see just how that might play out.

In the lobby before the first game you could hear them laughing — maybe it’s my insecurities talking here, but I’m sure it was about me being the only NON Spanish speaker and how in the hell could we play together. 

But then we won the first game, and then the second. Soon, I could pick out one or two words I understood, one of which was Gringo. Then the next game I took the winning town just seconds before the other team did and my teammates started laughing and yelling “Gringo, Gringo!”

Anyone else have any other interesting experiences, or am I the only Age of Booty Ambassador rollin’ fools out there?