Sayonara, Capcom USA. I’m off to Osaka!
Jan 14, 2011 // Tabesuke
Hi Everyone,
Sheesh, where to begin? I hate to admit it but even though I have been a member of Unity for over two years now, I’ve definitely followed the blogs and forums much more than I have contributed to them. I started here at Capcom over two years ago as a Marketing Intern, worked my way into the Sales/Marketing department, and will soon be working in our Osaka office. As of the end of this week, I will be packing up my life and headed to Japan in order work with our Globalization team.
Hit the jump for more.
That being said, I am sure many of you are wondering who am I and why I am telling you all of this. Earlier this week I was approached by snow and jgonzo to start up a new feature segment here on Unity. While many of the posts here are about the awesome Capcom products and updates or about community events, we thought it would be a nice change of pace to give you all an inside look into what its like to work for a video game company. So as I begin my journey over to the motherland of video games, I plan on sharing my experiences in and out of the office and the occasional misadventure here on Unity.
But before all that can happen, I suppose a brief introduction and recap on my time here at Capcom is in order. I am originally from San Diego and moved up to the bay area to attend San Jose State University. I majored in Japanese and worked at the local Japanese market to improve my language abilities. My fourth year of school was spent overseas in Tokyo where I went to Waseda University and even worked at a Starbucks. (I need my coffee no matter where I am in the world!) Upon my return, I wanted to find a way to combine my studies with a passion near and dear to me, gaming. Growing up I got thumb blisters from playing too much Super Street Fighter II on the SNES, scared myself s*%&less playing the first Resident Evil in the dark, and hit up Yellow Brick Road every Friday to get my butt kicked on X-Men and the Street Fighter Alpha games. I may not be the best player, but I still enjoyed playing them. I was fortunate enough to land a marketing internship at Capcom before I graduated from school and that eventually evolved into a job with the Sales and Marketing teams. My duties included everything from working on Sales and Marketing presentations to assembling assets for retailers, helping the Events team with set-up/tear down of the Capcom booth at E3 and Comic-Con, demoing our products at events, translating marketing and sales documents as needed, and have even done on-the-spot translations with our producers. All of these experiences have prepared me for my next job with the Globalization team. Once there, I will be assigned to a development team and work with them on everything from concept, planning, art design, to alpha/beta, submissions, and eventually sales and marketing. My main role will be to facilitate and streamline the communication between the teams, and knowing how we do things here at Capcom; there will probably be a lot more thrown my way. But that’s how we roll, so bring it on!
These last few years here at Capcom have been great and I still can’t believe there are only a few days left before I “jump the pond”. I would be kidding myself if I said I wasn’t somewhat scared, but I am ready for the adventure ahead of me and am glad I get to share it with all of you. Stay tuned.