Ryu-themed ARCADESHOCK fight stick bag available now for pre-order
Jan 29, 2016 // Kellen Haney
We’re all pretty familiar with Ryu at this point – the Shotokan student who always looks for the answer in the heart of battle. One of his best-known representations is in Street Fighter III, where his introduction had him holding his white bag (probably full of spare gis and gloves) on screen before setting it aside for the next fight. Now you, too, can imitate the Eternal Wanderer when you take your arcade stick to tournaments and more! ARCADESHOCK and SPLITFRAME LLC have teamed up to create a (very) limited edition Street Fighter V bag reminiscent of Ryu – the RYU FS Traveler Fight Stick Bag ! They’re offering pre-order special pricing of $84.98 (USD), and quantities are extremely limited, so grab one while you still can!