Ryu-in-training Paul Gale prepares for 25th anniversary
May 04, 2012 // Minish Capcom
His videos and Street Fighter fandom have made circled the internet for a while now, but in case you’ve missed “Real Life Ryu” Paul Gale’s many tributes to the world-famous fighting franchise, here’s a quick collection to get your creative juices flowing – just in case you want to submit some stuff of your own for the official celebration, which had its deadline extended to Monday May 7.
Gale’s dedication is pretty darn thorough – he’s earned a 2nd degree black belt in Shotokan Karate, created his own SF shoes , changed his license plate to HADOKN and much more, all of which can be seen and read on his website .
Hey, aren’t typical Hadokens blue? 😛
As for Capcom’s official celebration, details are coming very soon for both the aforementioned art and music project, and the huge tournament series with $500,000 in prizing and accomodations.