Rock Girl, Proto Girl star in this gorgeous Mega Man fan art
Mar 26, 2012 // Minish Capcom
Longtime Uniteers may recall GregaMan mentioning the ASIAGRAPH art contest a year ago. That contest has since come and gone, but at least we can now fully marvel at this amazing entry that imagines Mega and Proto Man as fightin’ robo-ladies.
First off, this is flat-out amazing work. I love the leaping-into-action poses, the gruff Rush and the subtle Ice Woman in the background. Roll gets prominent placement too, which is a plus – after years of her being a ” housekeeping robot ,” it’s always nice to see her out and about and getting a piece of the action a la TvC, MvC and so on.
This begs the question though – what’re your thoughts on a Mega Girl, Mega Woman character? Would it take away from Mega Man’s uniqueness, or would it be a fun addition to the canon? Personally I wonder if Roll would volunteer to become this Mega Girl, what with her strong desire to help others. Food for thought!
Via Rampaged Reality and artist dcwj