Return of Ace Attorney Producer’s Giant Blog!
Feb 07, 2008 // s-kill
Another gigantic (really!) blog entry from Ace Attorney producer, Minae Matsukawa. Head over to the Ace Attorney site and click on the “Dev Blog” tab for the latest installment, intriguingly titld “Native Hunter.” Matsukawa-san recounts the genesis of the series’ unique approach to voice acting, the Apollo Justice translator, and the glorious rise to the top of known Capcom neer-do-wells including Ben Judd (bully) and David Crislip (whose epidermis is totally showing). Sample quote:
That‒s when Mr. Yamazaki, the planner in charge of voice recording, came up to me and said, “Hey, we can be like a bunch of Monster Hunters! We should hunt down and capture some native English speakers. Then we can take their voices as trophies!!â€Â (“Monster Hunter†was pretty popular within our company at the time.)
Zow!  PS- yes I realize that’s Phoenix and not Apollo. I just like the picture.