Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles Website Live
Jun 19, 2009 // Mattdeezie
I’m pleased to announce that we just pushed the initial website for Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles live today.
This the site that is being used to promote the game in Japan, but English is a selectable language, and there is some great Darkside Chronicles content on there. We have a lot planned for the web for this title, so there will be another website coming later down the pipeline.
One thing particularly cool about the site, is a weekly developer blog titled “Talking Evil” which is updated by the Director of Darkside Chronicles, Yasuhiro Seto.
He provides a lot of insight about the title, and there are quite a few blogs already up there, so I highly recommend checking them out. This week he talks about the music of Code Veronica, particularly the song called Alexia’s Lullaby.
Check it out: www.residentevil.com/darksidechronicles