Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition – Show Us Your Gold Contest Winners!
Mar 15, 2010 // jgonzo
Our winners of the RE5: Gold Edition “Show Us Your Gold” Contest can be found after the break (along with their entries)! Congrats folks, you win the super duper uber limited edition signed Resident Evil 5 movie-style posters!
In addition, the winner of a free copy of RE5: Gold edition is David ! With his winning explanation of how Capcom got the gold for the slipsleeve covers on RE5: Gold Edition:
Simple! Scrooge gave Capcom obscenely huge piles of gold to produce not just compilation discs of all those classic games, but to also make new retro-style sequels to all of those games.
Now, Capcom didn’t want to make it TOO obvious what was going on, so they melted most of the gold to use on the Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition covers to throw us off the trail. After all, they’ll make it all back once they release the compilation discs.
Congrats everyone! Please send me a private message with your name and shipping address so I can send posters your way!