Resident Evil 0 – Prototype to HD Remaster
Jul 10, 2015 // Minish Capcom
For years now you may have seen some fuzzy video of an old 1999/2000 version of Resident Evil 0. With the HD remaster coming out in early 2016, we thought it would be a great time to unearth that footage – in high quality, for the first time – and share it with SDCC goers during our annual World of Capcom panel. But now that the panel is over… you can see it yourself!
This footage shows scenes from those early days compared to final version that released in 2002, and then compared once more in the upcoming HD remaster. Looks great!
The HD remaster releases early next year on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC.
And in other RE0 news, check out the Design A T-Shirt Contest !