Resident Evil 0 Is Now Available!
Jan 19, 2016 // Harrison Young
Well, it has been a long 8 months since we announced the title back in June of last year but the day has finally come! You can now pick up the HD remastered version of the 2002 classic, Resident Evil 0 , today digitally on Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 4, Playstation 3, and Steam for $19.99. If you are looking for a physical version, you can pick up Resident Evil Origins Collection on Xbox One, and Playstation 4 which also includes the remake of Resident Evil for $39.99.
Resident Evil 0 is a precursor to Resident Evil where you play as Rebecca, the young S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team member who is sent along side her comrades to investigate a series of murders in the Arklay Mountains outside of Raccoon City. After her helicopter crashes and she is split up from the rest of her team, Rebecca meets ex-Marine Billy Coen, who was being escorted on a military police transporter after being convicted and sentenced to death for killing 23 people. The unlikely duo must team up in order to survive and find out the truth behind the Arklay Mountain murders.
Hit the jump to check out the launch trailer!
If you’ve never had a chance to play Resident Evil 0 before, or if you want to experience it in easily the most impressive form it’s ever had, now is a great time to dive into the origins of evil!