RER2 Raid Mode – dev team’s favorite character builds
May 28, 2015 // Minish Capcom
Even if you’ve finished the story mode in Revelations 2, Raid Mode offers dozens (100+!) of additional gameplay hours chock full of unique abilities, unlockable characters and escalating difficulty.
Many of you have come up with some impressive character builds in the process, and I thought it would be fun to ask the Raid team what they use when clawing through the harder levels.
Raid Mode Game Designer:
I’ve been a fan of HUNK ever since RE2 – so I’m obviously going to choose him. I’m raising him to be the ultimate operative starting with his proprietary Stealth Cloak skill and inheriting skills from other characters. Befitting of the man called “Mr.Death!”
Cinematics Artist:
I love Moira. Especially Ninja Moira. Currently I’m getting into maxing out skills for inheritance, and enjoying that ninja feeling you get when using the Samurai Sword with the Stealth Cloak skill. If only we had put in a shuriken throwing skill!
Animation Artist:
Gina all the way. She dies right off the bat in the scenario mode, but I can use her around the clock in Raid Mode so I’ve been testing the possibilities provided by the “Gesticulating” skill. My favorite gesture for this is “Hip-hop Dance.” It triggers fast and has the best cancel frames so I can pull this move off and watch as the Afflicted and Rotten continually get knocked dizzy as she waves her head around. Hearing her say “Please forgive me!” is also a high point.
Raid Mode Game Designer:
I’m a Barry fan. In order to maximize his single shot potential I’ve leveled up the damage on my lv100 assault rifle 30 times at the bench, installed Charge Shot C and like to shoot while crouching. I wish we would have given him his “I have this!” line in Raid Mode. If I ever come across someone playing as Moira online I tend to be nicer to them than I would be otherwise.
Character Artist:
Alex. She’s not just some old lady! Even though she’s a new character she unfortunately starts out with some handicaps, but her “Bewilder” skill is incredibly effective in stages with enemies that are much higher level than her. You have to completely beat the scenario mode to unlock her, so there aren’t a whole lot of people playing as her yet (I’ve heard that she’s the 2nd least popular of the 15 characters) – so come on people! We need more Alex players out there! If you see someone online with an Alex icon, using Alex – that’s probably me.
I’ve been using with Lottie a lot. Even though she’s an alternate costume for Cipher she’s got her own voice clips! She says stuff like “I’m Lottie!” and “Don’t you love me anymore?” during gestures and she ends her slicin’ and dicin’ combo with the Samurai Sword with an “Aahhh ha ha ha ha!”, which is totally psycho! She wouldn’t feel out of place at all in something like Dead Rising!
Also, please keep an eye open for a little something extra in an upcoming update…