Remember Me badge contest – Memory Hunters
Apr 09, 2013 // Minish Capcom
As we enter Capcom’s 30th anniversary, it’s the perfect time to reminisce about the many amazing games and characters that inspired multiple generations and brought us all together on Capcom Unity. And in a nice bit of serendipity, we just so happen to have an upcoming game starring a heroine who’s all about memories…
As you may know, Nilin is a memory hunter. The people of 2084 share, trade and even buy memories. To simulate a bit of that – in conjunction with Capcom 30 – we’re gonna run a fun little contest in the Remember Me forums that asks you to recall and share your favorite or most inspiring Capcom memory.
The rules are simple:
1 – Join the Remember Me group on Capcom Unity (this just means RM content will appear on your Unity Dashboard – useful!)
2 – Post in this thread with your favorite, most important or most inspiring Capcom memory
3 – Everyone who completes #1 and #2 will get this fetching Memory Hunter badge for the Unity profile
4 – Five posters in that thread will receive 2000 Unity Points, good towards any of our many raffles!
We’ll also have more trailers, more video content and more streams for this coming soon. The release is nearing and we want to crack it open and show it off!
Brands: Remember MeTags: